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Visual Artist -Illustrator


 "... drawing is arguing with oneself, drawing is speeding up the time that passes to try to catch the sensation, catch that cloud that is passing at that moment. Catch that light and catch that moment. Drawing is writing, it is annotating, is breathing. Drawing is simply having a pencil in hand. Drawing is relating in the simplest way to things. Drawing is simply scratching on paper. Drawing is letting the hand agree with the heart and the brain. Drawing the Mountain is to draw oneself. To draw is to see everything, it is to walk among those trees, it is to enter that house, it is to greet the man who is guarding that door of that bar. It is to sit in those little bars at night. To draw is to write so that one does not forget things. To draw is to leave a message to another person. To draw is that I don't know why I draw, and if I draw because I don't know and I try to know, or if I draw because I simply draw, or perhaps I draw and, because not confess it, for the pleasure of seeing how a line nea is built in the space of the paper, which gives me immense pleasure to see how the shapes are being built..."
                                                                                                                       Jacobo Borges. La montaña y su tiempo.

Architect since 2009, completes her training after moving to Barcelona, Spain where she becomes more connected to the world of art. In 2012, graduates from a Masters in Illustration at BAU School, University of Vic, and since then her work has much to do with the merging of these two skills.

Committed to realistic drawing in black and white, she mainly uses ballpoint pen, pencil and charcoal. She has also developed several digital illustration projects -Matte Painting- for collaborations with book publishing.

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